We’re here to bring you info on the best health for your animals!
How to listen:
To listen in to specific shows, see our “Podcasts” page. You can always find us on the HRN website, too.

The Characters:
Pati Pierucci of Pierucci Dressage is a horse trainer and competitor with many years experience, going back as far as 1995. She is currently a trainer at Creek Colony and All Zenas Horses, in Texas. Pati not only is a well known FEI dressage rider and trainer, she also is a wife with three children, with a variety of dogs including Frenchies, and has a particular affinity for Starbucks coffee. ..which may have something to do with her seemingly boundless energy and quick wit.
Tigger Montague of BioStar US is the daughter of a baker, and the granddaughter of a dairyman, and has inherited the same passions as her family about real food. With over 30 years experience in the equine and human supplement industry, Tigger knows nutrition from the synthetic side as well as the whole food side. She started Biostar in 2006 with formulas she created in her kitchen. Before she started the company, she was an avid rider and competitor with eventing and show jumping, until she got hooked on dressage in the late 1980’s. She has competed on horses she’s owned and trained all the way from training level to grand prix.
Jennifer Hebert is one of the founding partners of the Horse Radio Network, along with Glenn “the Geek.” She is a HA graduate Pony Clubber who has been riding horses since she was three years old. With over 45 years experience Jennifer has worked in many facets of the horse world including competing, training, coaching, stable management, retail and now full time producer and host. She produces Horses in the Morning and Horse Tip Daily.
Hedwig is my name, and I am a Pomeranian! (That is pronounced Pom’ranian, and can be shortened to “RANIAN” when I am wild!) I am often wild. I was in a puppy mill and deemed unadoptable after I was rescued because I was too crazy. But my human slave was on sabbatical, and she said I could come home with her and my SISTER, who is also a Pom’ranian. I am an expert on the AMAZING. I can help you answer any questions you might have. (See the Ask Hedwig page on Facebook!)
Lionheart was a retired Grand Prix dressage horse, now passed. He and Tigger were together since he was four years old. Despite his upper 20’s age, Lionheart would still chase Australian Shepherd dogs out of his pasture, and spook at things like water buckets being filled and his fly mask being put on.
Buckaroo is an Australian Shepherd, bred by Lori Fausett of Soundtrack Farms in Florida. Buckaroo is quite a canine character as evidenced by his nicknames: Buckarooni-Mashpatootie, Mr. Schmoo, and Schmoonie. He has been so influential that a line of products was named after him: BioStar’s Buckaroo’s Stews. Buckaroo spends part of the year in Virginia living on a horse farm, in the winter he joins Tigger for two months in Wellington, Florida. His hobbies include: tormenting the cat, bossing the horses around, and stealing Biostar Optimum bars from the production facility.
Our Sponsors:
BioStar specializes in whole food supplements for horses and dogs. BioStar prides itself in Authentic Nutrition – supplements are made with organic, non-GMO, raw ingredients that the body easily absorbs and uses to increase its own well-being.
Horse Radio Network is a radio network created for horse lovers of all types. The home to the most entertaining equine radio shows (podcasts) on the Internet. HRN brings you horse news, interviews and a whole lot of fun.
Logo and Header Illustrations by Leslie Allyn.