What your horse’s poop can tell you, the magic of hatching baby chickens, Tigger’s musings on being on stall rest for injury recovery, and which grooming tote is your fav? Plus, Otis the Podcasting Warmblood shares his skin funk story!
Guests and Links for Episode 196:
- Co-Hosts: Tigger Montague from BioStar US and Pati Pierucci from Pierucci Dressage
- Article: Now I Know How the Horses Feel: Tigger’s Road to Injury Recovery
- Ask Hedwig
- Learn more about supplements for your horse and dog at Biostar US
- Follow Healthy Critters Radio on Facebook
Co-host Tigger Montague finds that treating herself like a horse is a great way to walk the road to injury recovery:
“Recently, on a normal morning in the kitchen, I pivoted to get something from the counter and heard a pop. The pain was so intense I thought I might vomit. My knee was unbendable.
Strangely though, it was weight-bearing — just peg-leg style. I thanked my lucky stars that I could at least walk without crutches as I hobbled to the nearest couch, encircled by two Aussies saying, “What’s wrong with you?”
A strained hamstring coupled with a strained lateral ligament was the diagnosis. Recovery time was labeled “weeks.”
[…]I started with ice and stall rest. Unlike a horse, I didn’t have to stand to get the ice applied. It gave me a new appreciation for how horses can stand on an injured limb while being iced.
The ice turned out to be problematic when the ice machine in the freezer stopped working. Instacart to the rescue. I ordered ice and comfort food: soup, oranges, and Haagen Dazs.
Stall rest too was challenging. By Day 3 I had seriously contemplated taking a spoonful of Thera Calm to deal with the anxiety and stress. I opted instead for some CBD drops I had for the dogs…”
At Healthy Critters Radio, we are hopeless animal lovers who want to share our experience and knowledge with you, for the betterment of your animals’ lives. We focus on health, nutrition, behavior, and ideas for overall well-being and happiness. Twice a month, we bring you guest experts, advice, commentary, and a lot of fun and laughter! If there is ever a topic you’d like for us to cover, let us know on our contact page!
– photo credit: iStock