We wish you a Happy Holiday with some of our best holiday discussions, songs, and more from past HRN Holiday Radiothons! With tips for good puppy bonding, Hedwig’s advice for humans during the holidays, a reading of “‘Twas the night before Festivus,” the “13 Days of Christmas according to Healthy Critters” song, our dog’s and horse’s New Year’s resolutions, and more!
Listen in!
Links for Episode 193:
- Co-Hosts: Tigger Montague from BioStar US and Pati Pierucci from Pierucci Dressage
- Ask Hedwig
- Learn more about supplements for your horse and dog at Biostar US
- Follow Healthy Critters Radio on Facebook
Co-host Tigger Montague gives her recipe for puppy bonding at a formative time in the young dog’s development:
“I really make time with the puppy. That is challenging for a lot of people who work in offices or have to be away from home. The nice thing about Christmas is, generally you’ve got a little time that you can really bond with your puppy. And it’s a crucial time of bonding. I like to have the puppy in my lap, I like to have the puppy on the couch — I know lots of people are rolling their eyes right now — I make sure the puppy follows me into the kitchen, into the bathroom, into the bedroom…everywhere I am, the puppy is.
I think in the beginning, that is ultra-important. That bond is like the bond with their mother, and that’s sort of who we’re replacing. In a way, we’re better than the mother in that we will show them really amazing things in their life. [Dog] mom is more about feeding and cleaning, and the human is more about, ‘Hey, we can play! We can go outside, we can go on adventures, you can go in the car…'”
At Healthy Critters Radio, we are hopeless animal lovers who want to share our experience and knowledge with you, for the betterment of your animals’ lives. We focus on health, nutrition, behavior, and ideas for overall well-being and happiness. Twice a month, we bring you guest experts, advice, commentary, and a lot of fun and laughter! If there is ever a topic you’d like for us to cover, let us know on our contact page!