We discuss good luck charms for competition, the Critter of the Show is the goat, Critter Nutrition focuses on fermented turmeric, and in coffee klatch we ask what sitcom character does your dog or horse or cat remind you of?
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Guests and Links for Episode 155:
- Link to Sound File for Sight Impaired: Click Here
- Co-Hosts: Tigger Montague from BiostarUS and Pati Pierucci from from Pierucci Dressage
- Picture source: Pexels.com
- For Further Reading, see BioStar’s article on Fermented Turmeric for Horses
- Ask Hedwig
- Learn more about Whole Food Supplements for Your Horse and Dog’s Optimal Health at Biostar US
Tigger Montague discovers and shares the health benefits of fermented turmeric for horses, dogs…and humans:
“Gut health is essential for overall health, and turmeric offers support for a healthy GI tract for horses and dogs. When I learned of a patented fermented turmeric from Belgium two years ago, my mind leaped to the possibilities of combining the health benefits of fermentation with the health benefits of turmeric.
More and more research studies have demonstrated that fermented foods have important health benefits for humans, horses, and dogs. Fermented foods promote GI tract health, help control inflammation, improve the availability of nutrients, and can improve mood and behavior.
Fermentation ingredients are not new to the horse feed industry. Most complete feeds and ration balancers provide a yeast, notably Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is itself often produced commercially from anaerobic fermentation. S. cerevisiae produces fermentation metabolites in the gut, and these metabolites are important for GI tract health…”
At Healthy Critters Radio, we are hopeless animal lovers who want to share our experience and knowledge with you, for the betterment of your animals’ lives. We focus on health, nutrition, behavior, and ideas for overall well-being and happiness. Twice a month, we bring you guest experts, advice, commentary, and a lot of fun and laughter! If there is ever a topic you’d like for us to cover, let us know on our contact page!